Self - Motivation |
CAN be a better you! Self-Motivation
there is no such thing as instant success.
Continued research in the concept of peak performance or attaining
The Zone is realizing techniques common to any high achiever. You
Success is predictable.
MSI has a commitment to the belief that you can have more than what
you have, because you can be more than what you are. You can be a better
you! Some
basic self-motivating principles for success
1. Set goals. Everything that you've heard about goal setting is true. Goals equal success. Goal Setters equal successful people! Decide what you want. Be specific and write it down. It's easier to get anywhere when you have a map, even a mission statement or a port to sail to! 2. Who you see is who you'll be. Losers live life
from the outside in, while winners live life from the inside out. Dont
be an On the surface person. Everything ever achieved is first seen
in someone's mind. Positive
think is a key component to success.
Get a clear vision of what you will be like when you
have achieved your goal. See the colors and the surroundings in your
mind's eye. It has to become vivid on the inside of you before it becomes
reality. Visualizations pack a lot of power! 3. Play
the part. See yourself as having already achieved what you want. We're not
talking about acting as if you are someone you arent; rather it is
performing at maximum levels. Be
all that you can be! The good feeling it produces actually becomes a
strong motivation. It is self
predicting! 4. Make decisions and control the inner-voice.
Something in all of us wants to do what's convenient rather than what's
important. Sometimes it is easier to be negative rather than positive. The
voice inside you will tell you why you can't achieve your goal and why you
don't deserve it. When you
hear that voice Throw it out the window and very far away! Make that
voice very small! You must
choose to believe what you really want. Have the courage to achieve the
greatness for which you were born. Pay careful attention to the self-talk. 5. Don't bother arguing or attempt to defend yourself
when things don't go right. Every adversity contains the seed of at least
an equal blessing. This can is difficult to remember in the middle of a
storm. Dont fight the storm too hard because you will miss the rainbow.
Take the lemons and make your lemonade!
Great every adversity with strength & courage and a positive
outlook! 6. After falling down get up and go at it again.
Resilience the ability to bounce back - is a good quality to
cultivate. How many thousands of ways did Tom Edison discover How not
to create the light bulb. Successful
people don't talk about failure They talk about their successes and
good experiences. Refer to
your attempts as a "challenge".
If you are not falling down occasionally then perhaps your goals
are too easy and you are in too safe a comfort zone and you need to
re-evaluate the goals. One
definition for success is, "Fall seven times, get up eight!" 7. Live in the NOW. You are working toward your
future. True success is the progressive realization of a worthwhile goal
or dream. Don't overlook the joys of today. Still enjoy what is happening
today. Take vacations enjoy friends.
Guilt is the gift that keeps on giving. Avoid feeling guilt for
current bouts of leisure! Wherever you are, be there! AND be better! 8. Enthusiasm is a powerful force. Be sure you are
moving toward something you really want, plan activities that you love and
can be excited about. Whatever you do, do it with all your might. Let your
goal put a fire in your belly and a lion in your heart. Always live your
life with passion.